Friday, September 22, 2017

September/October Guidance

In kindergarten we have been talking about feelings and why they are important. We will be practicing “reading” other people’s feelings. Research shows if children can “read” other children’s emotions in various social situations they are more likely to make good choices, and be successful at making friends. We are also learning about PAX and how to be good social thinkers.  We are learning how we can use flexible thinking to be better students.  In first grade we are also learning about feelings. We have learned every day you make yourself look friendly or mean by what you say and do. In second grade we will be learning 6 effective strategies to deal with bullies.  In third grade we have been learning how our behavior can support our learning.  We learned taking responsibility helps people trust you more, and soon we will be learning how to deal with bullies, and how we can make our classrooms fun, safe, and productive.